Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Be Thankful!

I am constantly reminded of how lucky I am. I have a beautiful home, two wonderful children, an amazing husband, an amazing supportive family, two cars, a travel trailer, and enough income to cover the expenses. There are so many in this country (and others) who don't even have half of that. Many don't have a job in this current economy and can't put food on the table much less put gas in the car or buy clothes for their children.

So what can we do to help? Volunteer your time! Yes, time is precious and we seem to have less and less of it, but your time could help someone else who desperately needs it! Sort food at the food bank, serve dinner at the shelter, collect coats for the homeless. If you can't spare a few hours, donate your items (canned foods, blankets, jackets, etc). What better way to teach our children about caring for people than helping them learn the lesson of gratuity and thoughtfulness.

I know it's said time and time again, but let's all be thankful for the many wonderful things and people in our lives. Appreciate all the little things about your friends and family that make them special, enjoy the bounty of food that has been put before you, and reach out to help someone who needs it. Don't they deserve something to be thankful for too?!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends, family, and business associates! May your holiday be filled with thanks, love, and appreciation!

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