Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Season of Giving!

What an amazing year it has been! We have seen so much change in every aspect of our lives, and I'm sure many of you have too.

It's so easy to forget in these hard times that the true meaning of the holiday season is to give! It doesn't have to be purchased gifts. It can be your time, something homemade, or a kind word. It's easy to forget that there are so many other people out there who have so much less than we do (we being the collective whole of America).

My husband and I have worked hard to teach our kids about giving during this time of year, especially. This year more than any other, they had to be reminded that it isn't about asking for gifts and having a really bad case of the "I want's...". It's about "what can I do for someone else who is less fortunate that we are"? Each year we do the Giving Tree at the kids school so that they have a very tangible sense that there are kids that they go to school with who don't have enough money to put anything under the tree or warm clothes on their backs. They go with me to shop for these children and they are always so happy to give their wrapped gifts to the elves who deliver them.

My husband and I both volunteer our time constantly throughout the year coaching sports, sitting on a board of directors for their sports league, helping out in the classroom, and organizing fundraisers for their school. This helps our kids see that you don't always have to get paid to make a difference.

I recently saw a friend of mine who went through a divorce last year. She looks amazing, and is truly happy. When I asked her how she was doing, she replied, "I am doing the best with what I have. I am happier now than when I was married, and I keep a positive attitude. It's all about what you tell yourself. You get out of life what you put into it and I'm ready to put everything in!" She took a really bad situation and is making it into a great learning experience for her and her kids. She has taught them a valuable lesson and learned herself in the process.

This holiday season, take time to value what you have and give some of yourself to someone else. It doesn't have to be a lot of money or tons of time, but if you can manage to spend 1/2 hour either helping in the food bank or shopping for a child/family who can't afford Christmas...I promise, you and your family will benefit more than you can imagine!

Be thankful, even if you are in a tough situation right now. Change is the one constant in life and without it, where would we all be? Sometimes it takes something bad to happen in order for something good to come in its place.

Here is to a happy, healthy, and prosperous Holiday Season! May you enjoy the time with family and friends and enjoy the simple things. Think of others and you will reap the rewards.

Happy Holidays from me and my family to you and yours!

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