Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Who Knew?

Today I venture into the "virtual" world once again and decide to try Blogging. Seems logical for someone who makes a living in the virtual world that I not let the technology pass me by!

I am always looking for new and innovative ways to help me and my clients be more productive. Working in the Real Estate industry has always had its challenges, but now more than ever agents and their staff need to be creative and find new ways to impress clients. One great program that not only saves time, but gives your clients consistent feedback on their property is HomeFeedback.com. I recently helped a large office (approximately 50 agents) get their company account up and running. This program allows agents to send an email to other agents who have shown their listings to obtain feedback. No more calling and leaving messages to get some small tidbit of information for the seller--if they ever return your call in the first place. As soon as the agent responds to the email, a notice is sent directly to the seller where they can see exactly what the showing agent thought of their home. All of this can be automated through HomeFeedback's beta program Showing Sync. Once you set up Showing Sync, all showings will be automatically pulled from the lockbox on the property and sent for feedback. How about that, your client got feedback and you didn't have to do anything except spend 5 minutes setting the listing up (a great way to use a Virtual Assistant if you ask me)!! Visit their website for more information www.homefeedback.com.

Another one of my favorite programs is Top Producer. By far, a program no agent should be without! It allows agents to keep track of EVERYTHING including conversations with clients, birthdays/anniversaries, listings/closings, and create action plans for everything. There are so many more capabilities, but these are just the "bones" of the program. How would it feel to know that every time you have a closing, there is an action plan in place that will tell you exactly what you need to do and when you should do it?? Granted, it takes a little time in the beginning to set everything up, but once it's done...it's automatic after that! This is easily something a Virtual Assistant (see how I got that plug in there--smile) could help you set up. Visit their website at www.topproducer.com and see how they can help keep you on the track to success.

How are you going to be more productive and offer more to your clients?? I'd love to hear your thoughts and know what works for you. As most people say, "there just isn't enough time in the day!" Instead of hiring an assistant to sit in your office, hire a virtual assistant to help when the business gets to be too much for you to handle. Back office items are not your Dollar Productive Activities. You need to be out with the clients showing property and making contacts. Contact me today to see how I can help you be more productive and make more money!

I leave you with a quote, until next week:

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hooray for blogging! I am so happy you've decided to utilize this medium. Since all the cool kids do it. I'm glad you joined the club ;)